When you need expert AC maintenance in Bradenton and Fort Myers, there's no better choice than Unique Services. We have a team of experienced and licensed technicians who come to your home or commercial property equipped with all the necessary tools and knowledge to get the job done right. We provide regular maintenance, tune-ups and repairs to keep your air conditioning system running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. When you call us for AC maintenance in Fort Myers or Bradenton, you'll also benefit from our competitive pricing and flexible scheduling options. Whatever your needs may be, you can depend on us to keep your home or business comfortable throughout the year. To schedule your first appointment with us today, just reach out and speak with one of our representatives.


If you happen to notice any of the following issues, it's probably time to give Unique Services a call for comprehensive air conditioning maintenance in Fort Myers and Bradenton:

  • Reduced cooling: If your air conditioning unit isn't performing as well as it used to, you may want to consider calling us to provide expert Fort Myers AC maintenance. Our techs can diagnose and resolve any issues that may be affecting your AC's ability to cool your space.
  • Strange noises: Any odd or unusual noises may be your air conditioner trying to tell you something. Grinding, banging, screeching or other unpleasant sounds could be indicators of serious issues or soon-to-be-serious ones.
  • Unpleasant odors: A musty smell coming from your ducts could be a sign of mold or mildew growth. It also could mean you have clogged filters that require professional attention.
  • Higher energy bills: A sudden, sharp increase in your monthly utility bill could be the fault of your air conditioner. This could be a warning that your unit isn't working as efficiently as it used to and needs help.
  • Frequent breakdowns: All equipment breaks down eventually, but you shouldn't need to call for help every few months. If you do, it's probably time for our technicians to have a look at replacing your system.
  • Poor airflow: If air isn't moving through your home as well as it should, you could have clogged filters, blocked ductwork or a damaged motor in your AC unit.
  • Older equipment: The average lifespan of an air conditioner is about 10 years, give or take. If yours has been in service for a decade or more, it may be time to start thinking about replacing it.
  • Humidity issues: The air inside your property shouldn't feel stuffy or muggy while the AC is running. If it does, it's a sign that your system isn't working properly and needs attention.


The notoriously hot weather in Florida makes it a haven for those seeking fun in the sun, but it also means your air conditioning system has its work cut out for it. The average summer high temperatures can reach 95 degrees Fahrenheit, putting a lot of additional stress on your systems.

The state's humidity also puts a lot of strain on your cooling system, which can lead to a wide range of problems including refrigerant leaks, frozen coils and compressor failure. With heat indexes easily reaching 103 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit, it's not uncommon for these and other issues to develop.

This is why calling our professionals in Fort Myers for AC tune-up services is essential for keeping your system in good working order. Our technicians know what it takes to provide your property in Bradenton or Fort Myers with AC maintenance that can detect and resolve any problems before they become more serious. We also provide other services such as lubricating essential components, replacing damaged or worn-out parts and checking the refrigerant levels to ensure the best overall performance.

Regular maintenance also has the potential to save you a lot on your utility bills. When everything runs as smoothly as possible, you'll be using less energy to keep your space comfortable. This means you won't be wasting resources while sacrificing your comfort.


Here are a few of the most common questions our customers ask us about AC maintenance:

Why is professional air conditioning maintenance necessary?

Having professionals look at your equipment ensures it will continue to function as efficiently and effectively as possible. It prevents breakdowns, prolongs the life of your unit, improves indoor air quality and saves you money on utilities.

How often do I need air conditioning maintenance?

It's generally recommended that you schedule an appointment for maintenance at least once a year. However, those with commercial properties or who use their AC systems heavily will most likely need to do this more often.

What can I expect during my appointment?

Our technicians will inspect your air conditioning system, clean the components, replace the air filters, check the refrigerant levels and test the system to make sure it's functioning properly.

Can I perform air conditioning maintenance myself?

Although there are a few minor tasks you can do on your own, such as changing the air filter, it's not a good idea to go beyond that. Air conditioning units require professional expertise to address issues as safely and effectively as possible. Trying to repair or maintain your unit without the right training and experience could lead to further damage or even serious injuries.

What are the benefits of regular air conditioner maintenance?

Having your AC system serviced regularly extends the life of your equipment, reduces your utility bills, improves your indoor air quality and ensures the proper level of comfort throughout your home or business.

How can I choose a reliable air conditioning maintenance provider?

It's best to look for a company that not only is licensed and insured, but also hires certified technicians and has a proven track record of customer satisfaction.

What are the typical costs associated with air conditioner maintenance?

How much your maintenance costs will depend on the size of your unit, the type of work required and the provider. It's important to note that the price of regular maintenance is much less than the cost to repair or replace a damaged unit. You also may be able to find a provider that offers a service contract or maintenance plan to save you money over the long run.


You shouldn't have to put up with the heat. Unique Services is your best choice in Bradenton, Fort Myers and elsewhere to provide prompt, professional services to keep your systems in good working order no matter what the conditions are like outside. You can depend on our experienced technicians to do everything necessary to keep your unit running as effectively and efficiently as it should so you can always be comfortable. If you want to learn more about everything we have to offer or schedule your first appointment, reach out and talk to one of our representatives today.

Regular maintenance is the best way to keep your AC equipment working for as long as possible, so reach out to us today. We serve West Florida, including communities such as Cape Coral, Estero, Lakewood Ranch, Longboat Key, Sarasota, Siesta Key and more.

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